Gain a strategic advantage and improved unit cost with price transparency by leveraging our competitor insights platform: DecipherPro.
Say goodbye to complex analyses and tedious data retrieval. Simplify your healthcare negotiations with DecipherPro's user-friendly interface.
How It Works
DecipherPro reverse engineers your competitors' price transparency data, so that healthcare economics and network management teams can identify competitive gaps in advance of negotiations. It's a secure and intuitive web application accessed easily through your browser.
Reach out now, and try it for yourself with data from your service area.
Key Benefits
Understand how your terms compare directly against those of competitors.
Harness competitor facts to negotiate better rates and terms with conviction.
Minimize the time and effort required to fully prepare for negotiations.
DecipherPro searches across code sets to extract underlying contract facts. Unlike alternatives, which focus on single codes, we allow you to see the whole.
Rather than building on assumptions, we deliver facts. This approach eliminates common inaccuracies and offers a distinct strategic advantage.
DecipherPro is a streamlined solution that requires no integration with your existing systems. We handle all the data acquisition and setup, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your negotiations.
The network performance competition never ends. DecipherPro allows you to remain competitive or take action where you might be falling behind.